Beyond Cuckoo

Healing Properties of Smokey Quartz

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Healing Properties of Smokey Quartz

As we age, aches and pains follow most of us through our days and nights. Traditional western medicine offers some relief, but often falls short when it comes to improving long term discomfort. Medical costs have skyrocketed and before we take to the streets to hunt down a provider we trust and can afford, it is beneficial to first focus on our overall health. Aching feet may only need the right shoe supports, or that constant pain, numbness, and electrical surges are often linked to other neurological problems. Arthritis can be calmed with diet, gentle exercise, herbal supplements, and meditation. The list of ailments associated with the elderly is endless and “cures” are expounded all over the internet. So, I’m taking a calculated, gentle approach and trying those things that (as in the Hippocratic Oath) do no harm and may help. Crystals, in particular Smokey Quartz crystal, emits a gentle vibration in meditation—one that I physically feel when palming a small polished pointed rock. I “store” this rock by placing it on one of the Tesla positive energy plates, that I wrote about in a previous blog post—where I promised a follow-up to my experience with the Tesla plates in general. Bottom line is that the plates have a calming effect but do little to eliminate pain. So now, I’m using them to “cleanse” crystals. However, I haven’t come to a personal conclusion re: their effectiveness. I’ll let you know when I have something concrete to report.

Back to Smokey Quartz. It was my 70th birthday and I was feeling down about it. I’m not bothered by the aging process, except that my body no longer behaves as I want. Anyway, as a present, I wandered into my local “rock shop” in hopes of picking out something new to try. I circled the store several times and nothing immediately called out. I’m usually attracted to the soft hues of Rose Quartz, or the heady vibration of Amethyst, but they didn’t respond. What did call out was a tucked away display of Smokey Quartz, which I’ve never considered because it’s not that ‘pretty’. Well, beauty is in the eye if the beholder and when I beheld the few stones on the table, one leapt into my hand. Okay, well it didn’t jump like the local beans, but when I snagged it from the group I felt like “ahhhhh,” that feels good. So, I bought it.

My first meditation with the stone was good—it added depth and calm. I also held my trusty Lemurian Clear Quartz Crystal in the opposite hand, and I swear I could feel them “talking” to each other. What does that mean? Nothing mysterious; only that a subtle vibration filled my palms and gently ran up my arms into my chest. Now, my heart chakra is super sensitive. I guess you can say that I wear my heart on my sleeve, so I wasn’t surprised to feel the energy that seemed to stay with me into the evening—the experiment continues.


Smokey Quartz is sought out for:

∼protection and grounding.

∼purification of the first chakra (sexual instincts).

∼added sensitivity when out in nature.

∼deeper meditations and calmness for healing.

∼tapping into dreams and staying in touch with our “Over-selves” for guidance.

∼removing negative emotions and allowing us to let go of what we don’t need.

∼helping with mood swings, aggression, ill temper, burnout, and fear of failure.






About the Author:

Elaine Webster writes fiction, creative non-fiction, essays and poetry from her studio in Las Cruces, New Mexico—in the heart of the Land of Enchantment. “It’s easy to be creative surrounded by the beauty of Southern New Mexico. We have the best of everything—food, art, culture, music and sense of community.”
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