The pledge to the New Mexico state flag is available in English and Spanish:
I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.
— New Mexico Statutes and Court Rules, Section 12-3-3[9]
Saludo la bandera del estado de Nuevo México, el símbolo zia de amistad perfecta, entre culturas unidas.
— New Mexico Statutes and Court Rules, Section 12-3-7[10]
I never know for certain when I’m running from or running towards a goal. I do know when something feels right or wrong. Up until a month ago, I thought that California life was a match. Today, my husband, Blake and I are readying our house for sale.
I heard of Las Cruces, New Mexico 2+ years ago, as I approached retirement. I pinned a photo from the Visitors Guide behind my computer screen as a beacon of hope that my life would change for the better—it had to—it would—it has.
Now, today, the journey point pivots from yes, we will, to maybe, to no, to maybe and yes again. It all depends on divine intervention (God and Guru) and how the energies align—is the climate good for growth? House sales depend on financial swings, competition, marketing and magic—the magic of human relationships—mine—yours—ours. Home repair contractors solve cockeyed problems when bathroom fixtures are defective or damaged, requiring a return to their source for replacement. I don’t know plumbing, but I do know (too well) about defects and looking to the source for repairs.
So, for fun, follow along in our current incarnation as sellers and buyers. Las Cruces translates to The Crosses, yet some argue that it means The Crossroads. The city sits in a valley, much like Shangri-La, a protected place nestled between jagged cliffs. A place that if the stars align may be home.
About the Author:
Elaine Webster writes fiction, creative non-fiction, essays and poetry from her studio in Las Cruces, New Mexico—in the heart of the Land of Enchantment. “It’s easy to be creative surrounded by the beauty of Southern New Mexico. We have the best of everything—food, art, culture, music and sense of community.”