Beyond Cuckoo

The Nut Job

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Ttreehe Nut Job!

Apparently there is a growing (pun intended) concern in California’s San Joaquin Valley surrounding walnut heists. One of the most recent involved the theft of 140,000 pounds of hulled and dried walnuts worth an estimated $400,000. Unfortunately this was not an isolated incident—agricultural crime is on the rise. Some believe the Russians are behind it—I kid you not. One suspect was detained in Bakersfield, where he told police that he ...

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gas pumpIt has been reported that W.C Fields, each morning, on the way to the movie studio, would dictate his P-Ps to his live-in secretary as he sipped from one of several flasks that would get him through his day. These Pet-Peeves were later mailed to politicians, movie studio moguls, corporations, financial institutions, doctors, law firms and anyone else who deserved his wrath and wisdom.

George Carlin wrote the New York Times Bestseller, BRAINDROPPINGS, ...

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I Don’t Understand Football.

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I Don’t Understand Football

I know how the game is played, the rules, the concept, how the game mirrors battlefields, war strategies, brute force, and yes even intelligence—not unlike chess. I’ve played both games with limited success—although as a girl, in football, while I received plenty of welcomed and un-welcomed touches, I was spared the tackles.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the entertainment ...

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