Beyond Cuckoo

Kachina–Help From Beyond

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These Kachina dolls live at the Hopi Cultural Center on the Second Mesa of the Hopi Reservation outside of Winslow, Arizona. They represent the spiritual beings who visit the Hopi villages during the first few months of each year to bring gifts to the children and more important–rain for the coming growing season. The rest of the year these deities, that bring help from beyond, reside in the nearby San Francisco Peaks, ...

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Mesa Verde and the Ancestral Pueblo People

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Sometimes it’s difficult to pull a story from a place—especially when its secrets are so well hidden. This is the case with my work-in-progress, “River” a contemporary environmental novel encased in archeological digs, folklore, religion and legends that intertwine with wide-ranging beliefs in the lost continents of Mu, Lemuria, and Atlantis.

My jump off point began with a trip to Mesa Verde National ...

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The Stanley Hotel Shines –Estes Park, Colorado

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The Stanley Hotel Shines 

Unstable weather and thunderstorms came in quick succession all through the day of our Estes Park visit. In anticipation of downpours we scheduled a tour of the Stanley Hotel which inspired Stephen King to write “The Shining”. As a sensitive, I can usually tell if a place is uneasy—if it holds on to its past in an ungodly way—a place where time unusually overlaps. I assure you—the Stanley Hotel ...

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