Military Maddness

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1408423977_pentagonMilitary Madness

No matter how you feel about what’s happening on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, you can’t ignore the U.S. surplus weaponry now carried by local law enforcement, against US citizens.  Apparently the Pentagon 1033 Program allows state and local police to stock up on excess US military equipment free of charge. The Pentagon’s Law Enforcement Support Office’s website brags that ...

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Full Of Bull

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1406519026_BullFull of Bull

Hemingway enthusiasts have long discussions on the Machismo elements in “The Sun Also Rises” and the many layers of social commentary released on its pages. Yet, all anyone seems to identify with these days (especially men) is the excitement and danger that surrounds the running of the bulls. So much so, that there is now a traveling show that challenges ...

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Auto Pilot

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1404529032_carAuto Pilot

Okay, so am I the only one concerned about these new driverless cars that Google’s come up with? Rest assured that I am all for anything that helps the disabled to move through this world in comfort. However, should a sightless person be driving? Well, maybe. How much worse could they be? At least they couldn’t text and drive.

Seriously though, let’s look at the logistics. The subcompact car will look ...

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