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Muscle testing or Kinesiology is often used by psychologists and medical professionals to receive answers hidden within our bodies. It is not yet time for spring gardening, yet as caretaker of the small piece of the world I call home; I have begun using the technique to ask questions about how to proceed. A few flowers have made an ...

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No hurries—no worries.

I can sit to meditate on the sun—

or the rain.

Rain that cleanses

And smells like spring—

or summer.

I walk miles alone.

Crowded only by thoughts.

Or I can hide with multitudes

It is all the same—

this feeling of now.

I swim in the ocean

Or a lake or a stream—

Wade through creeks

trickling with that sound

that brings soft sleep.

I catch a hook in ...

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Balance Regeneration Options

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1424585117_balanceBlake fell back and the wall became red with spaghetti and sauce. It took a few seconds for Elaine to realize that her husband’s implanted defibrillator had gone off—not once—twice.

Elaine fell back and the wall became permeated with frustration and fear. It took her a few days to realize that her beyond cuckoo meter had gone off—not once—twice.

Blake ...

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