River — A Short Story

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By Elaine Webster

River chewed her tongue—a childhood habit that comforted her in some basic way. Ari would be unlocking the door to their apartment just about now. It would take him awhile to unearth the note she left on the bar next to the scotch bottle.  She could hear the click of the ice as it dropped into the whiskey glass, then the pour and first sip. He would notice ...

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The Magic Behind Spiced Shrimp

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shrimpThe Magic behind Spiced Shrimp

Divine Intervention, Celestial Alignment, Karma, whatever, are writers’ friends. We sit for hours, days, weeks even months contemplating, researching, editing, struggling and then one day a miniscule grain of brain itches and we have to scratch. I’m not sure this is one of those days, but I’ll give it my best shot.

Recently ...

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