River Agosto — A character study

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e374f306a6a6b85775ddf0168f87b03ddc433a90Folks  often tell me that I take a round about approach to life. For years, to no avail,  I did my best to think like others.  When I decided to write an Environmental Action Thriller I gave myself permission to do it in any unorthodox fashion I wanted. I bought how to books, watched videos, asked other writers for help, and signed up for a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) from the University ...

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Part 3 Out the Door

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1443931553_Quartz_crystalPart 3 Out the Door

I stayed put for a few moments after Claudia ran out on me. I shifted my gaze back to the ball. Encapsulated clouds swirled and became dark and threatening. The rock rolled off its stand to the floor, across the room, down the hallway to my bedroom. I followed and stuffed it into the ...

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Part 2 Crystal Clarity

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1443931553_Quartz_crystalPart 2 Crystal Clarity

“Psychic power is a bunch of hooey” Claudia said nonchalantly as she took another bite of her pastrami on rye.

I pushed back from the pink Formica kitchen table and set my empty plate in the sink. “I’m sure I feel something when I tune in, especially if my Continue Reading →

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