Music of the Spheres–Cosmic Harmonics (Shared from Mu the Motherland)

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Music of the Spheres—Cosmic Harmonics (Shared from Mu the Motherland)

~Elaine Webster

The ancient concept of cosmic harmony, also known as the Music of the Spheres, has experienced a revival in modern times, reimagined through the lens of contemporary science, technology, and art. While early thinkers like Pythagoras and Johannes Kepler envisioned the heavens as a grand orchestra, producing inaudible harmonies, today’s artists and scientists are using advanced technologies ...

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Selenite Quartz Charging Stations: A Guide to Cleansing and Energizing Your Crystals (Shared from Mu the Motherland)

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Selenite Quartz Charging Stations: A Guide to Cleansing and Energizing Your Crystals (Shared from Mu the Motherland)

Gemstones and crystals have been used for centuries as healing conductors. Ancient Chinese texts, Ayurvedic Indian texts, and the Judaic-Christian Bible all reference the power of stones. The Olmecs of Mesoamerica and the Egyptians incorporated gemstones into their sacred sites and ceremonies. Their practices continue today by various spiritual practitioners and alternative ...

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The Akashic Records—Counterpart to the Physical World (Shared from Mu the Motherland)

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The Akashic Records—Counterpart to the Physical World

~Elaine Webster (Shared from Mu the Motherland)

Think about the Akashic Records as the universe’s computer database. Next think about what search results would show if you typed your name into the engine. For most of us, we’d see past lifetimes, actions, people, places, and things that continue to be part of our essence. A belief in reincarnation is helpful, but ...

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