Mesa Verde and the Ancestral Pueblo People

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Sometimes it’s difficult to pull a story from a place—especially when its secrets are so well hidden. This is the case with my work-in-progress, “River” a contemporary environmental novel encased in archeological digs, folklore, religion and legends that intertwine with wide-ranging beliefs in the lost continents of Mu, Lemuria, and Atlantis.

My jump off point began with a trip to Mesa Verde National Park ...

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The Stanley Hotel Shines –Estes Park, Colorado

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The Stanley Hotel Shines 

Unstable weather and thunderstorms came in quick succession all through the day of our Estes Park visit. In anticipation of downpours we scheduled a tour of the Stanley Hotel which inspired Stephen King to write “The Shining”. As a sensitive, I can usually tell if a place is uneasy—if it holds on to its past in an ungodly way—a place where time unusually overlaps. I assure you—the Stanley Hotel ...

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Medicine Bow, Wyoming

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Medicine Bow Wyoming


Webster’s New World Dictionary defines a pilgrimage as a journey to a shrine or holy place and/or any long journey to a place of historical interest. Exploration of the American West has become my pilgrimage. If you’ve read my memoir, Balanced on the Edge of the Crowd, you already have a sense of me and my early trip west from the Big Apple as a teenager. Now, as a calmer ...

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