Sitting here in Limbo, waiting for the dice to roll.

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Remember the old days (or should I say, young days) when all worldly possessions fit in whatever size car (or backpack) you had at the time? See somewhere else to go? —quit the job, call the landlord, pack up and you were on your way.
Well times, at least for me, have changed. Somewhere around my 45th birthday, I got a mortgage—the American dream, right? —sometimes. Mortgages, in my ...

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Peace in the Valley

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The pledge to the New Mexico state flag is available in English and Spanish:
I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.
— New Mexico Statutes and Court Rules, Section 12-3-3[9]

Saludo la bandera del estado de Nuevo México, el símbolo zia de amistad perfecta, entre culturas unidas.
— New Mexico Statutes and Court Rules, Section 12-3-7[10]

I never know for certain when I’m ...

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Kachina–Help From Beyond

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These Kachina dolls live at the Hopi Cultural Center on the Second Mesa of the Hopi Reservation outside of Winslow, Arizona. They represent the spiritual beings who visit the Hopi villages during the first few months of each year to bring gifts to the children and more important–rain for the coming growing season. The rest of the year these deities, that bring help from beyond, reside in the nearby San Francisco ...

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